

By Barron Whited, MS. ED, College Expert July 26, 2016
As the school year approaches, it is important to discuss your children's study habits and how these habits may influence their progress in school. When parents discuss grades with their children in a positive manner, it shows children that they are supported and there are avenues for help and improvement.

Here are some tips for talking with your kids about their grades:

1. Listen to your children
Listen without judgement to find out if there is anything personal going on in your children's lives. If children are going through something traumatic, it could affect their grades and attendance. If students are struggling, it is vital to get them the support they need to do better in school through counseling and tutoring. Children who know they can talk to their parents will be more likely to open up about their problems and concerns.

2. Set expectations
It is important to set clear expectations on the grades you would like your children to achieve. It also can help if you encourage them to set their own expectations. Students may do better in certain classes than others because of their interest in the material. Other classes may be more difficult to understand and require more time to complete the assignments.

3. Focus on strengths
Parents can help kids improve their grades by focusing on their strengths in their classes. When they do well in certain classes, such as math or science, it helps to remind them of their successes. If they struggle in some classes, review with them the assignments they have done well on. It is important to turn negative situations into positives.

4. Seek solutions
If children are facing challenges, it might help to speak with the teacher to see what can be done to help them improve their grades. You may want to explore options, such as tutoring or study sessions, that may be available for your students.

5. Provide encouragement
Provide encouragement by telling you child "You are wonderful," "Strive to do your best," and "Your family believes in you." If they continually hear these positive messages, those messages can help improve their self-worth and confidence. Students can increase their grades if they are given the resources to succeed.