
Goal-Setting with Kids

By Kyrie Collins, Macaroni KID Highlands Ranch-Parker-Castle Rock-Lone Tree Publisher December 26, 2022

The arrival of the New Year is a good opportunity to work on goal-setting with your children. Goal-setting is an important skill they can carry with them throughout their life! 

New Year's Resolutions are a fun way to not only start the discussion but the process as well.

Here are a few you may want to adapt in your home or maybe assist you with thinking of ones on your own!

Good Hygiene: I will wash my hands before meals, brush my teeth after meals, and cover my mouth when I cough or sneeze.

Volunteering:  In our community, at my school, or at my church. This can go as far as working or be as simple as donating my old toys and clothes.

Healthy Eating: Less soda and more milk and water is a great place to start. Also, eating more fruits and fewer sweets!

Responsibility Online: Be aware of people asking for personal information, and REFUSE TO GIVE IT OUT. I will limit my time spent online and gaming.

Be Kind: I will not make fun of others, but see their good qualities instead and let them know what they are! If someone is sad, I will try to make them smile!

Good Amount of Exercise: I will get outside more when I can.  Maybe join a sport, ride my bike, or go for a walk with Mom and Dad. I will get my body moving and feeling good!