
Recipe Box: Thanksgiving Sugar Cookies

🦃 Yummy Treat for Thanksgiving

November 23, 2011

You will have as much fun as your kiddos making these sweet treats that couldn't be simpler!

What You Need:

  • Ready-made sugar cookie dough (or you can buy bakery sugar cookies)
  • Orange or brown frosting in a tube
  • Candy corn and candy eyes (or M&Ms)

Squirt a line of frosting around the top half of the cookie. Place candy corns in the frosting with the pointy side toward the middle of the cookie.

Squirt two dots of frosting where the eyes should be and set your candy eyes in place. If you use M&Ms squirt a small dot of frosting on each M&M to make them look more like eyes.

Last but not least, use the orange frosting to make a “v“ for the nose, then draw on the feet.