
Craft Corner: Shadow Picture for Dad

👔 Great Gift Idea for Father's Day, Grandparent's Day, or Any Special Occasion

By Team Macaroni – City of Pittsburgh June 4, 2014

Simply put, this portrait gift is... easy peasy!

What You Need:

  • Poster board, cardstock, or foam board (paper is too flimsy)
  • Kitchen knife
  • Camera
  • Kiddos
  • Scissors

What You Do:

1.) Using poster board, cardstock or a sturdier prop, cut or carve out the message you want to send in the poster board, cardstock, or foam board. I cut our message "We (HEART) Daddy" using a kitchen knife and some printed letters. You can write out the letters as normal. No need to turn them inside out or backwards!

I kept the interior of the letters in tact on the letters "D" and "A" by creating a little lifeline from the edge of the letter to the interior piece. It barely showed up in the shadow pic and looked fabulous. You can you see my little "lifelines" in the image below.

2.) Once you have all of your message carved out, give one piece to each child, line them up accordingly. and have them hold up the message.

You might have to play around with the location of people to get the right picture depending on where the sun is. I did!

Whoops! Let's try again!

Perfect! Print it out, frame it, and stick a bow on it. It's truly awesome, isn't it?!