
Snow Much Fun: 5 Ways for Your Kids to Have Indoor Fun with Snow

Too cold to go outside? Bring the snow in!

By Kara Murphy, Macaroni Kid Erie Publisher January 8, 2024

Snow is free, and Colorado winters typically bring plenty of it! Here are ideas for what you can do to enjoy the snow with kids... without leaving the warmth of your home. 

It's snow joke! Your kids can play in the snow... and you don't have to dress them in four layers to go outside to play. What a win!

Snow Ice Cream

Yes really! Snow ice cream is so simple to make... and it's fantastic!

What You Need:

  • 4 cups clean snow
  • ½ cup milk (any kind)
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract

Stir together milk, sugar, and vanilla. Mix in the snow until you reach the desired consistency. Top with sprinkles or other toppings!

Eat immediately, as it will melt very quickly!

For a really special treat, try our recipe for Toasted Coconut Snow Ice Cream!

Snowy Science Experiments

How fast does snow melt if you add salt to it? What about pepper? Is there a difference? Try different everyday household items to see how they react with snow. Hypothesize, observe, and experiment — just like real scientists!

What You Need:

  • Clear glass bowls or cups
  • Snow
  • A variety of ingredients from your pantry. Some ideas: salt, vegetable oil, baking soda, and syrup.

Hypothesize what will happen, then add ingredients to each bowl. Ask questions: Which do you think will melt the fastest? Which do you think will melt the slowest? Which will separate?

Want more ideas? Watch this video:

Paint the Snow

This fun, simple, and colorful activity for toddlers is a winter must-try!

What You Need:

  • Snow
  • Chilled container (to keep the snow from melting longer)
  • Paintbrush
  • Cups (for "paints")
  • Water mixed with a few drops of food dye (or use watercolor paints!)

Fill the container with snow. Mix up some watercolors by combining food dye and water. Let your child's imagination do the rest!

Once the snow melts, you'll have your very own colored water for extra fun! Put it in spray bottles and paint the snow outside!

Make a Snow Volcano

Make a snow volcano with household products you probably already have on hand.

What You Need:

  • A cup or plastic bottle
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Food coloring
  • Snow

Pile snow around the cup or bottle to create a volcano shape. Pack the snow tightly. Add baking soda and food coloring to the bottle. Pour in vinegar and watch your volcano erupt!

Snow Picnic!

On a frigid day when my kids were itty-bitty, I spread a plastic picnic tablecloth on the floor of our sunroom and filled Tupperware containers with snow. I gave them sand toys and let them play!

What You Need:

  • A plastic picnic tablecloth or tarp
  • Large containers
  • Snow
  • Beach toys (or utensils from your kitchen drawer like spatulas and spoons)