
Finding Your Gratitude: 30 Days of Writing Prompts

By Jodi Lorence November 11, 2020

I think we can all agree 2020 has been quite the year. As it winds down though, I feel like we can all dig deep and find ways we are thankful, despite how difficult it has been for many of us. 

To remind myself to be thankful, I keep a daily gratitude journal that includes a list of five of the best things that happened during the day. It is interesting to see that the smallest things can bring me the greatest amount of joy. It reminds me to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures.

Want to give it a try yourself? Here are 30 days of writing prompts to help you start your own gratitude journal. This 30-day writing activity is a great one to do with your family, friends, or even by yourself! Give it a try — because we could all use some positivity to lift our spirits. 

Along with making a list of five of the best things that happened each day, consider the writing prompts below to help you find gratitude.

30 days of gratitude writing prompts:

Day 1: 

What are the ways that you like to unwind and take time for yourself?

Day 2:

I am grateful for my family because...

Day 3: 

Who is a person that makes you laugh?

Day 4: 

Describe a sound that makes you smile.

Day 5: 

What Is the best gift you ever received?

Day 6: 

Who believes in you and always has your back? 

Day 7: 

What is a prayer that has been answered?

Day 8: 

Describe your favorite meal.

Day 9: 

Name a place where you feel cozy and safe.

Day 10: 

What is your favorite beverage and why?

Day 11:  

What is unique and special about you?

Day 12: 

Name a goal you're striving for.  

Day 13: 

Who is the person you trust and can share anything with?

Day 14: 

I feel happiest when...

Day 15: 

Who is someone who helped you when you were hurt?

Day 16: 

Who is an elderly person you love?

Day 17: 

What have you learned this week?

Day 18: 

The five things you are most grateful for in your life.

Day 19: 

Which of the five senses are you most grateful for?

Day 20: 

Your favorite season is...

Day 21:

Your most memorable trip was...

Day 22: 

What smell are you most grateful for?

Day 23: 

What did you do for someone that you are most proud of?

Day 24: 

Do you have a friend or family member who lives far away that you are grateful for?

Day 25: 

What small act of kindness made you feel great today?

Day 26: 

Who have you never met that you are grateful for?

Day 27: 

Describe what a perfect day would look like for you.

Day 28: 

Write a poem about gratitude.

Day 29: 

What or who would you take with you to a deserted island for a month?

Day 30: 

What are you looking forward to in the coming month?

I hope making it a habit to write down five things a day you're grateful for and these 30 gratitude prompts help you as much as they have helped me stay positive. It turns out I have so much to be thankful for!