
15 Fun Ideas to Try During Screen-Free Week ~ May 6-12, 2024

Families are pledging to turn OFF screens and turn ON life!

May 6, 2024

Leading health, education, and childcare organizations actively support Screen-Free Week, an annual week-long event during which children, families, schools, and communities pledge to replace screen-based entertainment with offline activities and downtime.

Did you know?

  • The 2021 Common Sense Census of media use among kids revealed that the average tween (8 to 12 years old) spent more than five hours per day on their screens for entertainment, and teens used their screens for over eight hours per day.
  • More than 90% of children under 2 watch TV and videos "regularly," even though the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time for this age except for video chatting.
  • Screen time is habituating and linked to poor school performance, childhood obesity, poor sleep habits, eye strain, and attention problems.

For most families, screen time is simply a fact of life, and there's no way to eliminate it completely. If an entire week of no screen time feels impossible, pledge to try one day a week for a month. Screen-Free Sunday might become your favorite day of the week!

Taking a break from our phones, tablets, computers, and televisions allows us to be really present in the moment and reconnect with the people and world around us.

Need ideas?

  1. Start a garden. Don't have a green thumb? Start small by growing fresh herbs in pots. If you're feeling extra green, visit your local garden center to buy a raised garden bed, soil, and food you want to grow.
  2. Explore your hometown. Our area has so many hidden gems. Go out and explore the city like a tourist would. Check the local tourism brochures for some of the hot spots you've been missing, and dine out at local restaurants that you have never tried.
  3. Backyard (or living room) campout. The weather is getting warmer, and it's time to take advantage of it. Gather the family together to grill a delicious dinner, cap off the night with roasting smores, and sleep under the stars in the tent. 
  4. Take day trips. Visit the Capitol Building and museums in Denver. Head south to Colorado Springs for a trip to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo or Garden of the Gods. Hit I-70 for a scenic drive to the mountains.
  5. Purge toys, clothes, and other items. Screen-Free Week is the perfect time to go through items in your house that you no longer use or wear or have been collecting dust. Get your kids involved by asking them to donate toys that they no longer play with to kids in need. Have some clothes that don't fit anymore? Get them out of your closet and use it as an excuse to go shopping!
  6. Try a science experiment. Kids love Dancing Popcorn Kernels, and even the youngest of scientists can perform this Celery Science Experiment.
  7. Go old-school. Classic board games like Monopoly, Sorry!, or Clue are fun for families with school-age children, and preschoolers never grow weary of games like Candyland and Chutes and Ladders. Or try a card game like Uno or Go Fish.
  8. Go skating! Don your skates and helmets and head to the local skate park. If you don't have your own skates, head to a local rink.
  9. Sensory exploration. Try games that heighten the senses, like the ones in this article, 5 Senses of Fun!
  10. Dive in! The recreation centers in Douglas County have great indoor pools.
  11. Bake something. Many kids love helping in the kitchen, and when you're done, you can share a sweet treat. Take the leftovers to the local fire or police station.
  12. Visit your local library. The Douglas County Libraries are ranked tops in the nation for a reason! They have great indoor play places, free events for all ages, and knowledgeable librarians who can recommend some great books to enjoy together.
  13. Hit the playground. Head to the local park, or try one you've never been to. Now that the weather is getting warmer and staying light a bit longer, it's the perfect time to play outside!
  14. Put on your sneakers. Start training for one of the many 5K events being held in Douglas County this summer.
  15. Need more ideas? The Macaroni Kid Calendar is sure to help!