
Our Guide to Starting Family Reading Time

By Christen Reiner, Macaroni KID Lakewood-Littleton, Macaroni KID Denver, and Macaroni KID Highlands Ranch-Parker-Castle Rock-Lone Tree Editor and Publisher January 2, 2025

When my family was quarantining during COVID, I tried something unusual, mainly to get my kids to do their required school reading in my presence and without argument. I admit, it was a slightly selfish move geared to make my life easier, because I didn't have to work extra hard to monitor their progress.

Family Reading Time.

You may be thinking that Family Reading Time would never fly with your family. And at first, it was a bit difficult to get my family to buy into the concept.

But here's the key -- YOU have to read, too.

Your kids will secretly think that it's pretty cool that you are reading while they are reading. They will definitely not tell you that, but I guarantee that they will be thinking it. Why?

If your kids are like mine, they used to love reading but after being assigned so much reading in school, it has become more of a chore. They are 100% thinking that they will never choose to read a book, ever again. Think of the impact that seeing you reading for no other reason than the joy of a good book could have on them now and in the future. 

Family reading time can work for ALL ages.

Don't think that, just because your kids can't read, they can't participate in reading time. Find a book on tape, a podcast to listen to, or give them a stack of picture books. If you have older kids, they can choose their poison... chapter book, magazine, picture book, graphic novel, even an occasional audio book -- the possibilities are endless. 

Assigned reading or their choice?

Honestly, I found that letting my kids choose their reading material made our Family Reading Time more successful. The choosing and preparing is a big deal. We visit the library or book store, prep their favorite spot with a cozy blanket or pillow, and keep a running list of ideas for their next read. If they prefer to tackle their school reading, that's okay, too. The main thing is that I want everyone to be reading, at the same time, without distractions.

My tips for a successful Family Reading Time

  • Keep it to 15 - 30 minutes. We all have 15 - 30 minutes to spare in our day, even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes. Plus, it feels like a doable amount of time to your kids.
  • Make it mandatory. It may feel forced at first, but it will become a part of the day that everyone looks forward to.
  • Stick with it. Enjoy your few minutes of peace each day. Your family will come around.
  • Use an incentive to kick off your Family Reading Time.
    • Family Reading Jar - Each family member adds a marble to the jar for each session they complete. When the jar is full, celebrate with a trip to the local ice cream shop or an afternoon at the park. Choose a reward that floats your family's boat.
    • Family Reading Chart - Keep a list of all of the books your family has read. Choose a goal and a reward for when you reach it.

My kids absolutely balked everyday at Family Reading Time. But then something amazing happened. They started to look forward to it. They would likely never admit that, but you could see the transformation. Less argument. More conversations about the books they were reading. More calmness, if only for those 30 minutes. A reset of sorts in the chaos of the day.

And guess what.... I also rediscovered the joy of reading. I was making time for it in my life again after years of letting it fall by the wayside because "I didn't have time to read".

Family Reading Time was, and still is, priceless. Highly recommend.